Thursday 13 September 2012

Expectans expectavi Dominum

The title is Latin. Stravinsky's symphony of Psalms' second movement's first line is "I waited patiently for the Lord". 

This is a mystery because if God is there why must we wait? Yet that is the theme of the Bible. Jews wait for the Messiah. Christians wait for Jesus to return. Everyday, no matter what you believe, we wait for someone or something. Why does God who is there seem silent in that he appears not to speak like you or I?

A new perspective came to me from a scene in the movie RED. John Malkovich told Bruce Willis that Mary Louis Parker's character likes him. Why? "Notice how she sticks around? If a woman likes you she sticks around!" Bruce then argued that she did not have a choice. The answer: "Sure she does!"

If you love someone, you trust and you stick around. If you listen to the mysterious sound of my favorite symphony and I think you'll agree it fits the lyrics. 

Seeing and hearing God occurs as we love, trust and wait... Not a cause and effect but they happen all at the same time.

I've heard many preach about love but less so the waiting...

Expectans expectavi Dominum, et intendit mihi.I waited patiently for the Lord: and He inclined unto me, and heard my calling.
Et exaudivit preces meas; et exudit me da lacu miseriae, et de lato faecis.He brought me also out of the horrible pit, out of the mire and clay:
Et statuit super petram pedes meos: et direxis gressus meos.and set my feet upon the rock, and ordered my goings.
Et immisit in os meum canticum novrum, carmen Deo nostro.And He hath put a new song in my mouth: even a thanksgiving unto our God.
Videbunt multi, videbunt et timabunt: et aperabunt in Domino.Many shall see it and fear: and shall put their trust in the Lord.

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