Thursday 24 January 2013

no time to blame

Time does not exist. It is a human measurement of change. So if there is no change, time is meaningless. Yet most of the time, we avoid change. When something happens unexpectedly, we call it luck or fate or god's will or just about anything to avoid responsibility.

Then there is time travel. We all want to cheat regret or fate. Whether it is a lottery ticket or undoing a wrong or avoiding death, we wish time travel were a possibility. Perhaps it is. But could we really cheat the past?

All the effort to find God's Will can be similar. Under the disguise of doing whatever God wants us to do, could it be we secretly want to blame him for any tragedy that may ensue? After all you told me to do it...

I think all this creative blame seeking is beside the point. If time is to measure change, we are better off seeking to change the future together until we die. So Live!

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