Monday 27 August 2012

Compromise addiction

Balance is hard. One of the first hard lessons an infant learns is that they can't do whatever they want. As we grow older, it's possible to compromise who we are just to get by all the time.
Some say it's good to keep the peace. Others think it's more important to be ourselves. So what's the answer?
I think an answer is the book of Job (in the Old Testament Bible) where everything was taken away and his friends kept asking him what he did wrong to deserve this (oversimplification). When real change comes, it is always a little like death. All belief and securities are uprooted so you are left with the foundation. There can be no compromise here.

Sunday 19 August 2012


Life is messy or is it mysterious? What we can't understand will seem negative or dark. It's easy just to wing it. Who's to say that living life like we are playing an interactive game is a bad thing. Fast reflexes, thinking on our feet, eye hand coordination, adrenalin rush are all useful skills. If we act quickly enough, problems get resolved faster and the mess get's cleaned up faster.

What is missing is solving the mystery. Speed isn't everything. Maybe if we understood the problem, we can write a new game where the mess get's cleaned up by people having fun and working together.

Wednesday 15 August 2012

Lost horizon

遠在天邊,近在眼前 Far as the horizon, yet in plain view. It's what I've been feeling for a long time. Some things are so obvious that we complicate things and lose sight of them. Like forgotten sun glasses resting on our head, we can end up searching everywhere for the thing we need most. People are most easily taken for granted. We sow seeds whose fruit we reap in the lives that feed our soul. Sometimes even annoying nagging can become the voice that points the way forward.

Tuesday 14 August 2012

Adjustable limits

Living by limitations can become a habit. A re-acquaintance caused me to revive my stale prison story with new insights. Recurring limiting circumstances can blind us to real possibilities. Instead of dreaming I still find myself mulling over things that worry me and the "break" I'm waiting for. But pessimism can cloud the view and I end up waiting for the next "no" or missed opportunity.

Limits are real but not impossible. We can't fly like a bird but we can in an airplane. What real disadvantage is adoption? Why is that job the only option? Even if somethings are nearly impossible some if not all limits are always adjustable.

Wednesday 8 August 2012

Connections give meaning

I am closer than ever to new projects. Connecting ideas in my head and more importantly, people are what give meaning to my life. Even arguing can be connecting or not, depending on who is involved. Love and acceptance make the difference. Intelligence helps too when it comes to work, but nothing is more important than trust. When there is suspicion and insecurity between people, connections are lost. Life and work become chores because much time is wasted trying to convince doubters. Trust and faith is a choice and are the building blocks to love and meaning.

Sunday 5 August 2012

Be grateful

I'm starting a new blog to replace my "secret" blog  with this one called "savor". There is an old version of the choir performance of "Be Grateful" that is so so so "right on". If you know of a better one, tell me.